Friday, December 30, 2011

The SiCKies

Ugh. I dislike being sick. We all caught that horrible cold the day AFTER Christmas! I guess I am thankful we got through Christmas first.

I've missed blogging {don't know why, I pretty much just talk to myself on a daily basis anyways so it's not too different}. I guess I like to picture people listening and caring about my random thoughts and ideas. Afterall, they can be pretty great {sometimes}.

So, Christmas is over....moving on to New Years, which for the Buck home means big twin birthday bash day! I just can not believe these girlies are 5!!!
{I know, I've used these pics a lot lately, I'll share more about them soon}

I am almost a mom to ALL school-aged children!! *insert ugly cry here*

It seems like a year ago we were right here

{yes, we loved our binkies, and YES we shared them- "sharing is caring!" he is the best big brother afterall}

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! I ask that every year, along with all you other Mama's, I'm sure. It's just nUtS isn't it?! *putting tissues away*

I'm excited for their Snowflake PaRtY!

I'm making a ton of fun little things this next week which makes me HaPPy!! I'll try to take some horrible pics {as usual} through my progress :)

Anyone out there wanna share a New Year Resolution? {I'll be back to post mine}

Love, Me


  1. Wow. That picture of you and your three LITTLE ones took my breath away! Dont know how you did it mama! Snowflake party invite....adorable!!!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blogs! You are such a great mother! Happy Birthday too them!


  3. @Anonymous Thanks Robbyn :) You are a great mama too!! love ya!


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