Wednesday, February 8, 2012

25 ThinGsss....

1. I'm already drawing a blank on what to put down.

2. We're implementing this new "consequence" in our home for not going to bed {getting out of bed, asking for a drink, using the bathroom again, talking, singing loudly, etc. etc.}. If bedtime doesn't go well each child who is guilty will have to take a "nap" the next day. {1 hour quiet time, on their bed, they're 5 & 6 yrs old so real naps are long-gone}

3. Little did I know, this "consequence" is more of a pain for ME. Ugh.

4. Probably because all 3 of my children share a room. Yes, 3. in. one. room. Ugh.

5. I'm tired.

6. Yoga helps wake me up a bit, thankful I got to class today.

7. I believe I am on my 4th week straight of gym-going {minus Sundays}.

8. Wished I could say I felt skinnier, or that my jeans fit better. They don't.

9. I do feel stronger, so that's got to mean something is working??

10. I should probably eat less brownies. That could help.

11. Why are brownies sooo good though? And of course I had to make special Peanut Butter Fudge Brownies for coffee night with the church ladies the other night!

12. Confession- I ate like half the pan, in 2 days. {they were cut small! ok, I know, still so gross!}

13. I threw out the rest today- promise! I almost shed a tear...

14. Did I just talk about brownies for the past like 3 numbers? Yikes.

15. I need to get out more.

16. My hUbbS is turning 30 in 2 weeks!

17. The day after will be our 7th Anniversary *grins*

18. Looking forward to that fUn weekend of celebrating.

19. Maybe I'll make him brownies :P

20. I am only on 20?!! I wished I was more interesting.

21. I cleaned the entire kitchen today- it's so great to put the bread on the counter and have it not stick! {yeah, it was that bad}

22. I must sound really gross today LOL

23. Ya know- sometimes LiFe is just sticky!

24. Looking forward to Young Family Night at church tonight- it's amazing how much my hUbbS has grown in the faith. It makes him so much more sexy.

25. Time to start dinner {and dream about more brownies}


LiNkinG to Perfectly Imperfect's Linky PaRtY


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  2. 3 in one room! I'm counting down the days till I have TWO in one room....yikes :) That would make me tired too!

    1. Hi Kacy!! Hope you're doing great :) Thanks for reading!!


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