Thursday, December 15, 2011

It Was WoRtH the Wait....

Or should I say, he was worth the wait?
He always makes this serious....{until I pinch him! *insert evil laugh*}

The HubBs and I got to have lunch together {awwwww}. It's been a long 4 years with having 3 children in less than 2 years. A long, bumpy, exhausting road. Our story is short in time but long in length {maybe one day I'll post about it, just to bore you to death} We have been married 6 3/4 years, and have a 6 1/2 year old {Yeah, we're quick like that}. We always laugh at it when we chat about our "alone" know, the time "before kids". {it was 6 months} Those were GrEaT months, and our little boy paved the way for a lot of learning, preparation {for twins in 17 more months}, and most of all {creative} ways to show lOvE. Not just to our children, but to each other.
{that was usually the hard part for me}.

It's such a journey, yes? I lOvE how time changes things for the bEsT.
{when we allow it}

So, today was sPeCiaL. We snuck in an hour while twins were in preK, and big guy was at school {such a wEiRd feeling to say that!} to have lunch together. Yay!

Can you guess where we went??
Pretty sure this place is famous for this tile! haha

And, I thought I would take a pic of my FaVoRitE item there...{because I didn't have to make it and it was still hot when I ate it- totally picture worthy moment}
Of COURSE. Chicken Enchilada Soup. YUM-to-the-OH! {wow. dork alert}

I just lOvE him. {now}

Hope you're sneaking in some time with your guy too! {so important}



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