Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Putting up our Christmas tree

We broke down and got a fake tree this year, that my father blessed us with. It has been so nice to not have to worry about pine needles with my 2 crawlers and toddler! Jack was a big help with putting it up and decorating. The girlies are really good about touching the tree too. I let them get close to it to explore and feel, and then they crawl away.
Here are pics of putting up our tree!

I can not believe I have made it through this entire year in one piece! This has been one of the craziest, busiest, exciting, and greatest years of my life. Beginning with the birth of the twins to moving back to my home town; it has been a journey!
I am so blessed to have this house and to have my 3 beautiful, healthy babies! God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I was searching for other blogs of people with 3 under 3 and found yours. The kids are so cute and I am envious of your super-clean carpet!!!

    I had a single girl in June 2002, then twin boys in August 2004, and then another single girl in November 2006. So I've finished my 2nd round of 3 under 3! I am living proof that it can be done! Having two babies was a thousand times harder than having two toddlers and one baby, so you can feel confident if you decide to have more.

    Anyway, you have a cute family, and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!


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